
Showing posts with label Manuel "Mamo" Contrera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manuel "Mamo" Contrera. Show all posts

Friday, August 07, 2015

El esbirro/ The henchman.

El golpista

                          (EL golpista)


El esbirro.

Con mis ojos incrustados en el tiempo

veo pasar adormecida la muerte llevando

entre sus huesudos dedos el despojo

del monstruo disfrazado con su túnica

de legionario manchada con la sangre

de su pueblo, impertérrito su alma

lanzo a los precipicios las verdades,

revolcó los cuerpos entre los miasmas,

desfilaron ante su vista de buitre

cientos de patriotas camino a su aquelarre

orgiástico de la danza de la muerte

que en su caballo negro y lustroso

le presto la sombra a su mesnada

de asesinos.

Con mis ojos incrustados en el tiempo

veo al cancerbero partir bisbiseando

las mentiras de su guerra declarada.


The henchman.

With my eyes embedded in time

I see go numb death bringing

between his bony fingers the dispossession

of the monster disguised in his robe

of Legionnaire stained with the blood

of his countrymen, his soul unmoved

launched to the cliffs the truths,

He rolled around the bodies between the miasma,

marched into his eyes of vulture

hundreds of patriotic way to her coven

orgiastic dance of death

that in its glossy black horse

lend shadow to his murderers followers.

With my eyes embedded in time

I see the Cerberus depart muttering

lies in its declared war.